Monday, January 7, 2013

All that is gold, does not glitter....

Do you ever find yourself caught in that trap of thinking that your life should be something more than it is? You know what I mean. You look around think you should be doing more, seeing more, being more than who or what you are....

Not all the time, and thankfully less than in the past, but still more than I would like I get sidetracked by the thought that my life (as a mom, wife, friend, sister, pastor) is just plain boring and insignificant. I have that thought because I compare my life to others and find it lacking.

This entire thought process is:
1) depressing,
2) silly,
3) egocentric,
4) and a complete waste of time.

By letting ourselves get caught up in the "grass is always greener" scenario, we take our eyes off of the future that God has set us toward and allow ourselves to become mired in our pasts; a place in which we cannot change or affect anything.

Our current sermon series at Live Oak is called "Get Lost". At the turn of the year when many of us are full of zeal to become better people by over-focusing on ourselves, it's a timely look at how as Christians', we can truly only find ourselves, when we fully surrender ourselves.

Come join us over the next five weeks as we explore what it means to give up the attempt to find your perfect life and self and get lost in God's plan for you!

Chesney Szaniszlo

'For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for you to gain the whole world, yet forfeit your soul?'
- Mark 8: 35-36