Last Sunday I was ordained as an elder, as my dad talked
about in his post. For anyone not there,
I was immediately put to work to help with communion on the same Sunday. There is nothing more humbling than serving
communion. It is me, my imperfect self, serving the elements to the church. I served communion to my parents and grandfather! I served communion to
the pastor! What?
Then in the
women’s bible study this week we talked about communion and how in some
churches you can’t have communion if you are divorced or weren’t married in the
church. I am so glad that LiveOak church does not abide by those rules. I love
that Caz emphasizes every time: “This is
not LiveOak’s table, this is not a Presbyterian Table, this is God’s table.”Anyone who has a relationship with Christ can partake.
In our
Bible study we talked about inclusion, and how we need to include everyone,
even if it makes us uncomfortable. I
want our church to be radically inclusive. I do not want my children to only go
to church with children who look like them and talk like them. I want anyone to be able to walk into our
church and be welcomed warmly.
and community are about being God’s children. Let us allow ourselves to be
uncomfortable. Let us teach our children that everyone belongs at God’s table.
If we listen, God will place people in our lives that we need to invite to
church, or even just invite into our lives and our hearts. And we, at Live Oak,
will serve communion to anyone who asks.
Beth Kropf