Friday, December 13, 2013

an uncomfortable journey

Today I’m visiting again “Face to Face with God” by Bill Johnson (what a great Christmas present!). This guy is unconventional and I think, as my dad has said in referring to himself, has the spiritual gift of making people uncomfortable. This is a long quote, but it is important to not misunderstand him:
“The essential doctrines of the church- the Virgin Birth, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the Atonement, and the like- qualify as issues we should fight for. That being said, I will purposefully bring speakers into our church that I know disagree with theologically if they are people of great anointing and integrity. It makes people nervous. But that’s not necessarily a bad think. Insecurity is wrong security exposed.”
            He goes on to talk about how godly relationships are correctly beginning to trump denomination and doctrine. Doctrine without God’s love and Spirit is dead. That’s easy to believe when we think we are right. Then he says “In order to gain a heart that longs to know God, we must sacrifice our need to be right, to understand or explain things. We have to trust Him enough to let Him shatter our boxes of understanding and lead us into deeper realms of truth.”
            This does not sound comfortable. I would much rather think about the excitement my daughter will experience at Christmas. But I want this. I don’t want to hold onto a belief if it is wrong. I have seen the devastating consequences of doctrine being placed before an individual. Jesus didn't do this, as Chesney shared about how he treated the woman at the well. I don’t want to let fear keep me from seeking truth. What might be in store for us if we are brave enough to take this journey?
Beth Kropf