Remembering Friday
It is all I can do to not cry through every Good Friday
service. I didn’t grow up with a Good Friday service, and I love the tradition
of setting aside time to contemplate what Jesus went through. It is so tempting
to focus on the Resurrection. I want to dwell in the Happily Ever After. And
yet it is so crucial to recognize, as Caz mentioned, that Jesus has endured
everything we have. There is not a hardship he cannot empathize with. There is
no physical, emotional, or spiritual pain we will experience that is greater
than what He endured for us.
There were three days that Jesus’ followers
were left in devastation. Jesus could have been raised immediately and spared
their suffering. And yet God allows dark
hours before the glorious light. He
allows silence when we desperately want answers. We’re all off of our sugar high or bluebonnet
flurry or whatever Easter was to you. Let us remember the sacredness of the
dark, dark day our sins were paid for. Every sin. The sin we repeat even though
we know better. The sin we never tell anyone. The sins we are not even aware of. The sin
still haunting us, even though we have repented. Every
sin. We are washed clean. Let us live
like it.
Beth Kropf
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