Follow, Believe and Obey
I enjoyed getting to hear from Jimmy Cazin (I hope that is
the correct spelling) last week. He talked about how Jesus invited others to
follow Him. With his disciples, he did not tell them to get their act together first. Our church needs to be a place for people who
are ready to follow Jesus. I think we would all be uncomfortable if someone
walked into the service reeking of alcohol or seeming somehow unchurchy. A
generation ago people went to church because it was what you did, whether you
really believed or not. That doesn’t happen now. So anyone who walks in is willing to be
there, and we need to be ready to love that person without reservation. Because
that’s how Jesus loves us.
Cazin said that the next step after following is believing, and that the last
step is obeying. Pastor Cazin pointed out that believing is easy, because it
doesn’t require any change. Obeying is what turns the world upside down. The early
Christians radically changed their world. They overthrew the government and
changed society. They were not afraid of death. What could we do if we were not
afraid? What could we do if we didn’t stay in the warm fuzziness of belief and
Sunday morning worship?
Let’s Go!
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