Monday, December 12, 2011

Give More 2 (Mark 10:17-31)

Mark 10:17-31

Without God, it is impossible for us to give as much as we are able. If we rely on our own generosity and good-will, we will constantly be disappointed in ourselves and those around us.

As the rich young man in the scripture story this morning discovered, the more we have, the harder it is to let it go. It is part of our human nature that the more worldly goods we accumulate the tighter we hold on to them. It is also part of our nature to think that just a little more money, love, or stuff will make us happier. This lie makes it very hard for us to let go of anything or give anything to the point of sacrifice.

But it is to sacrificial giving that God calls us.

We are to imitate God, our beloved Heavenly Father, just as our children imitate us and we imitate our beloved, earthly parents. God gave us the biggest sacrifice of all - Himself. God subjected Himself to all that comes with the human condition- temptation, physical pain and weakness, death and seperation from Himself - in order to save us from ourselves.

We can all give more than we do, we just choose not to. What we have to keep in mind is that what we choose today, is also a choice for or against eternity. On our own we might not be able to choose to give more, but God can help us to do so.

Almighty God, help us to give more than we think we can. Give us courage and bravery to do what we know we should do even when we don't want to do it. Give us a strong sense of the eternal that overwhelms our knowledge of the material and temporary. Help us to give our all to you and to what you call us to do for you in this world. Amen.