Sunday, November 27, 2011

Worship Fully - Day 1 (Isaiah 40:1-5)

Today we begin our Advent journey together. A journey during which we will be working towards worshipping more fully, spending less on ourselves, giving more to others, and loving all people.

That sounds to me like a pretty good way to prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior over the next four weeks.

Our God speaks through the prophet Isaiah in today's scripture to tell us that he has never and will never forget us. No matter what we do, how often we turn away or deny Him, God will never forsake us.

Jesus is coming. He is coming for us and to be with us. Jesus is coming because of God's great love for us.

How will we respond to this amazing love?

Will we ignore it? Cheapen it by acknowledging it only when we need it? Use it as a convenient crutch when we mess up?

Or will we fall down and worship the God of the universe who has condescended to love us so fully that he is willing to become one of us and die for us?

This Christmas, who or what are you going to worship? Will you worship the One who created you? Or will you worship the things that He has created?

Heavenly Father, give us a sense of awe and wonder towards you this Advent season. Open our eyes to your holiness and profound love for us. Let us see each morning as a new opportunity to worship you and do your will. Amen.



Anonymous December 2, 2011 at 9:10 AM  

These messages are putting my mind and heart in a better place for the Christmas season. Thank you !